Bioactive LiquiLife™ Foliar Application on Greenhouse Tomatoes at The Martin Family Farm - Armada, MI

Bioactive LiquiLife™ Foliar Application on Greenhouse Tomatoes at The Martin Family Farm - Armada, MI

“Home run on yield and disease suppression on the same variety.” – Matt Martin

When first established, this hoop house produced 1,050 pounds of tomatoes per thousand square feet. That number steadily declined every year until the 2018 totals were a mere 800 pounds per thousand. The Martins used Bioactive LiquiLife™ (formerly CX-1) in 2019 with tremendous success. Yields jumped to 1,350 pounds per thousand.

They applied LiquiLife™ and a little of the soluble food source every seven days starting in mid-May. They had two solid cycles of production and harvested an additional 30 days longer than usual. The difference was LiquiLife™.

As for white mold, in the past, they had to apply Oxidate every seven days. In 2019, they only applied Oxidate two times in July.