Drew Haines' Success with BIOACTIVE®

Drew Haines from Haines Ag met with Purple Cow Organics to discuss how our liquid biological, BIOACTIVE LiquiLife+®, impacts crop development, yield, ROI, and drought resistance.

Fly by Acres' 10% Yield Increase with BIOACTIVE®

BIOACTIVE LiquiLife+® (formerly CXPro)

Thousands of fungal and bacterial strains are driven to the soil and plant by small particle carbon that shields exudates and metabolites, enhancing the rhizosphere.

Why a Broad Spectrum?

How to select a biological that gives you the best chance of success - diversity.

Minerals in a Carbon/Biological Cycle

Even better, attach every mineral molecule to a carbon particle and have biology drive the exchange.

Carbon Comes in Many Forms

Soil organic matter/carbon, humates, biochar, molasses, small particle carbon technology, etc.

Soil Biology Matters

Healthy soils not only produce more yield but also increase nutrient density for humans as well as animals. By adding biology and carbon, we can reduce fertility inputs to save you money.

We’re taking full advantage of the benefits of naturally occurring soil biology.

Learn More

  • "I think I just hit a home run with this product...I am just in awe of what I am seeing. The health of the crop and the weed suppression...it's the prettiest field we have ever had in 15 years of organic."

    Kelly Ornbaun, Rice
  • "Knocked it out of the park, doubled my yield projection."

    Bill Buss, Seed Corn
  • "It made all the difference in the world...it looked so good I hated to cut it, I had all kinds of compliments from my neighbors."

    Donovan Paulson, Alfalfa
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Remarkable results come from better soil biology.

Review on-farm trials, anecdotal evidence, 3rd party studies, and more. Agricultural professionals across the country use our BIOACTIVE® liquid biologicals and have put them to the test.

See Trial Data

Two Liquid Biological Products to Choose From

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Purple Cow Organics is hiring! If you are passionate about growing a better world, join a company that's deeply rooted in healthy soil.

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