Start Your Seeds Off Strong!
Seed Starter Mix jump starts seed's indoor germination and fertilization process, getting them off to a strong start, whether starting in trays or using a soil blocker. This compost-based blend includes peat moss, perlite, vermiculite, and more providing everything you need to start seeds, with enough fertility for up to 45 days. Seed Starter Mix promotes healthy, vigorous seedlings with strong root systems that are able to withstand transplanting and thrive all season-long. It also has great water-retention characteristics, saving both time and water!
Seed Starter Use Tips
Moisten and Fill
Moisten the mix. It should be moist enough to hold its form when squeezed but not to the point that it releases water when squeezed. Fill the flat, pot or container with moistened mix. Gently shake the container to settle the mix, do not press firm.
Sow and Mist
Sow the seeds, covering with additional moistened mix at the appropriate depth or the seed type. Mist the surface as needed to keep the surface moist until germination. After emergence, water as needed when the mix is almost dry.
Translplant - No Fertility Needed!
If desired, transplant young seedlings to individual or large containers. Do not use container sizes laarger than 2". No fertilizer is needed for the first 45 days - or until roots fill the cell. The mix alone will be sufficient for most, after 45 days add light soluble fertilizers if needed.
Soil Blocking Instructions:
Mix and Mound
Mix 1 part warm water for every three parts Seed Starter Mix and then mix into the consistency of peanut butter. On a smooth, hard surface, mound the Seed Starter Mix to a depth 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 times deeper than the height of the soil blocker.
Press Twist Lift
Press the blocker down, twist a quarter turn and lift. The Seed Starter Mix, if properly wetted, will stick to the blocker until pressed out onto a tray or growing surface.
Sow and Cover
Rinse the blocker with warm water before making the next set of blocks. Place the seed in the indentation and cover according to directions of the seed packet. Cover the blocks with a clear acrylic dome to prevent drying.

A Browning"This organic mix gives our seeds an excellent head start"
Joshua Garner"Starts stayed dark and green without starter fertilizer, excellent germination rates. Will by again."
Lindsey L"All of my seedlings are coming up great in this mix. So far I've had no issues with damping off or fungus gnats. I purchased a second bag because I like this stuff so much."
Linda Sherwood"This seed starter is really nutrient rich and has a lovely protective layer on top of the soil when you seed directly."
Jessica"The plants I planted in this seed starter grew way better and quicker, the seedlings grew taller and sturdier so much that I had to transplant into the garden."