Living Soil Makes All the Difference for Your Greenhouse

Living Soil Makes All the Difference for Your Greenhouse

If you’re one of the 85% of greenhouse owners concerned about input costs increasing over the next year, it might be time to take a good look at your soil. Biology is the driving force behind input efficiency and effectiveness. Cultivating plants in a mix that is rich in nutrients and teeming with microbes will decrease time spent on plant maintenance, as well as lower input costs. Ensuring your soil is healthy can help your bottom dollar in the long run.

What is a living soil?

Professional growers have long been a proponent of “living soil.” But what is it? Living soil refers to the multitude of microbial species within the soil that act to break down organic matter and make available the nutrition within it. Microbes are essential to healthy and effective soil media.

The most effective living soils focus on the diversity and broad spectrum of the microbes and biology they include. The goal is to create a nearly self-sufficient soil ecosystem for healthy plant growth. That means fewer inputs, fewer costs, and better results.

What’s the difference between living soil and super soil?

Living soils are categorized as any soil blend that contains diverse microbiology and supports longevity in your soil ecosystem. Super soils take this one step further, by providing a rich complex of immediately available and slow-release nutrients throughout your plant’s life cycle. No additional nutrients required!

Super soils include all essential nutrients and minerals that plants need, along with the microbes to make those nutrients available. Typically, super soils do not need additional fertilizers or amendments. Both aim for a healthy balance of microbes, but the difference is the need for additional amendments to maintain that balance.

Some greenhouses have begun mixing their own super soils as a way to control their soil fertility, while decreasing the cost-per-foot of their growing media. This typically starts with either a soil-less mix or a “triple mix” of peat, compost, and high-quality topsoil. Growers will then add extra minerals and other inputs to feed the good biology — Biochar, worm castings, humic and fulvic acids, etc. Purple Cow Organics Activated Compost is a perfect partner for custom soil blends and is the base for many of our own growing media, such as IndiCanja! Activated is rich in organic matter and organic carbon, contains a complete spectrum of essential nutrients, and is teeming with beneficial microbes.

Biology is the answer to better soil

Living soil mixes, super soils, and microbially rich compost are truly transformative for growers that are looking to amend or replace their growing media. For growers looking to reduce their reliance on fertility inputs, while preserving their existing application and growing methods, a liquid biological is here to help.

Liquid biologicals are an easy way to incorporate microbes into any growing program, without needing a total transformation of your existing setup. We developed BIOACTIVE® liquid broad-spectrum biologicals for our agricultural customers to respond to the depleted biology in their soils. Microbes are responsible for making nutrients available to plants, combating pathogens, increasing stress tolerance, and so many other soil functions. BIOACTIVE LiquiLife® supplies these microbes in an easy liquid amendment, stimulating growth along with improving plant vigor and nutrient uptake.

No matter if you use a soil-less mix or a full-fledged super soil, healthy biology is essential. Farmers and agriculture professionals who utilize our products understand the importance of biology. It doesn’t matter if you’re planting 500 acres or a 5-gallon pot; healthy soil biology is what makes the difference.

Looking to maintain your healthy ecosystem? Add healthy biology and organic matter back in with Activated Compost.