All You Need is Water: Intro to Supersoils

All You Need is Water: Intro to Supersoils

Cannabis is finicky, and notoriously hard to care for. Growers have spent decades tinkering with different amendments to nail down the perfect fertility program. For some, this level of detail is incredibly fulfilling. For others, it’s incredibly exhausting. Especially for professional growers working on a large scale, constant fertilizing and monitoring of plant response eats away at time, not to mention the additional strain on finances.

Supersoils have risen to this challenge and gained popularity among growers for taking some of the work out of growing. You may have heard of supersoils at your local hydrostore, or among popular grower forums (if you’re reading this on our website, you’ve probably heard of our cult favorite: IndiCanja®!). We worked with an expert grower to develop IndiCanja®, and went through regular testing to ensure that this high quality blend could support cannabis from seedling to harvest.


So What is a Supersoil?

Supersoils are growing media that are incredibly rich in nutrients and designed to be able to support nutrient-heavy plants (like cannabis) without requiring added nutrients for healthy and vibrant plants. Many supersoils are designed to be water-only, meaning the only input you need to add to the soil is water, which can decrease the amount of time, money, and energy that is needed for a successful grow.

Purple Cow IndiCanja® is a superstar among supersoils: a water-only formula that can support cannabis from seedling to harvest. IndiCanja® is unique among these nutrient-packed mixes because it is a living, growing media containing diverse broad-spectrum biology at the base. Microbes interact with each and every input that your plants consume, as well as perform important jobs within your soil’s ecosystem. The greater the diversity of microbes in the soil, the more nutrients your plants have access to, and the more functions that are provided.


Caring for Your Supersoil

Many supersoils contain a general blend of the macronutrients and secondary nutrients your plants rely on but are missing out on the microbes. With limited bioavailability due to sterile growing conditions, plants may start to suffer and show signs of deficiencies, even when the nutrients they need are plentiful in the soil. Living soil blends have the base needed to be a true water-only blend because they contain the components your plants need to thrive, and the biology that can deliver those nutrients to your plants.

“You said I just had to add water, is that true?” For a standard grow, absolutely! There are a few water rules you should follow for the best results: We recommend running IndiCanja® with 0-10% runoff, which means that 0-10% of the water you apply will run through the soil. Excess runoff can flush nutrients from the soil, taking free fertility away from your plants. Growers should also perform a water test to determine what (if any) minerals and compounds are present in their water supply, as well as their base pH level. Understanding what the present state of your water supply is can determine if your water needs to be filtered, pH adjusted, or any other tinkering that may be necessary. Check out our blog post Solving Water Worries for more information!

There are also products you can use along with your soil that can bolster microbial populations and help you get more out of the nutrients in IndiCanja®, such as our BIOACTIVE® Liquid Biology Bundle and our BIOACTIVE® Supercharger. That said, it isn’t required to add any nutrients to IndiCanja® to have a great experience with our soil, but providing some extra support can take your grow to the next level.

Supersoils are the next evolution in growing media for professionals and novices alike. Though cannabis has some particular demands and needs, supersoils like IndiCanja® can reduce the amount of labor necessary for healthy and vigorous plants.

For more information about Supersoils, IndiCanja®, and how to grow better cannabis, contact our experts!